Process Heat

Below you will find white papers on topics involving process control and automation.

Electric Heat Best Practices

Submitted by Patrick Bartell || Valin Corporation

Heat Trace and Electric Process Heaters are used in many critical processes in all plants.  It is extremely important that you and your team know how to properly test, install and maintain your electric heaters. Lack of attention in regard to these fundamentals will lead to costly heater shutdown and will cause an interruption in your process.

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Using Input and Output Filters on Watlow Multi-Channel Controllers

Submitted by Watlow

The use of INPUT/OUTPUT software filters can provide enhanced performance of controllers to process systems conditions. The use of Input filters are to reduce the erratic fluctuations of the analog input signal due to either electrical noise conditions or rapid fluctuations of the analog input signal. It accomplishes this by slowing down the response of the analog input to a change.

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When to Select a Limit, Versus an Alarm Controller

Submitted by Watlow

In Watlow catalogs, brochures and web pages there is a category of controllers listed as Limits and Alarms. It is not always clear to everyone when to use these controllers or which type of controller to use. This document is an attempt to clear up some of these issues.

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Calibration of Watlow Controllers

Submitted by Watlow

Occasionally questions come up with regard to calibration of Watlow controllers. This paper will attempt to address some of the more common questions on this subject. Many people want to jump in right away and begin performing a calibration procedure before verification. Before you would attempt to calibrate a Watlow controller, verify that the controller is in need of calibration. If you verify that readings of the controller first, you may not have to go through the more involved process of ch...

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Choosing Two-LEG vs Three-LEG Control for 3-phase Applications

Submitted by Watlow

Customers who wish to control three phase heaters require power controllers. How do you decide which method of control to select? Two-leg versus three-leg control and zero cross versus phase-angle control need to be considered. The following will help you decide when each method is appropriate.

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Controls Integration White Paper

Submitted by Watlow

In today's world, there is an ever increasing awareness and focus on safety. A system designer needs to understand all aspects of design that can affect the safety and reliability of the system they are implementing.

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