
Below you will find white papers on topics involving process control and automation.

Steel Actuators and their Uses

Submitted by Rollon

Steel-structure linear actuators from the global industrial supplier Rollon Group are highly suitable for demanding applications in numerous automation environments. 

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Development of AZ Series Compact Driver - AZD-KRD

Submitted by Oriental Motors

In recent years, automated devices such as articulated robots have been getting smaller and lighter thus increasing the need to place drivers closer to the motor to save space. The AZD-KRD compact driver has a smaller volume than the conventional product due to its radical design.

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How Present-Day Automation Trends are Driving Next Generation Machinery

Submitted by Jeremy Miller || Parker

With the advent of industry buzzwords like "Collaborative Robotics" and "Industry 4.0", machine builders of today are feeling increased pressure to provide a new level of intelligent and flexible automation. A revolution taking place in the industrial marketplace is the Industrial Internet of Things, which describes an industrial network of devices embedded with electronics, software, and sensors, capable of collecting and exchanging data to more effectively and efficiently drive machine behavio...

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Taking Fluid Cleanliness to the Next Level with Permanent Offline Filtration

Submitted by Des-Case

In recent years, portable filtration units, often referred to as filter carts, have become a common tool in the lubrication professional's arsenal. Increasing demand for these systems has led to the development of a wide range of new products and driven down prices, which is a good thing. When filter carts first came onto the scene they were primarily used by service providers for decontaminating large systems. These early models were typically designed for low viscosity oils in large volume sys...

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Three Key Factors to Create Leak-Free Fitting Assemblies for Fluid Processing Applications

Submitted by Fit-LINE

Operational efficiency is a critical factor in the fluid processing industry. The synergy of fitting components and assembly technology to achieve this objective is the focus of Fit-LINE, Inc. Applying extensive polymer technology and injection molding expertise, the company has analyzed the design, tooling and manufacturing processes required to create high-performance solutions for demanding high-purity fluid processing applications. Through extensive R&D, testing and evaluation, Fit-LINE ...

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Filter Ratings

Submitted by Tim Tritch

The purpose of a filter is to remove contaminants from a fluid stream either completely, or at least down to a given rating or specification. Filters are used to help control contaminants and are rated according to their ability to remove these contaminants from a liquid, gas or air stream. There are different methods in which the performance of filters are specified.

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Choose the Correct Level Sensor

Submitted by Brian Sullivan

Answer a number of key questions to identify the most appropriate choice

At process plants, a significant percentage of measurement devices aren't correctly matched to their application, leading to decreased quality and consistency of the operation. Often, the source of this problem is the assumption that one type of level measurement sensor suits multiple applications.

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