
Autonomous AI Control Service for Edge Controllers

Submitted by Yokogawa

How many of your plant processes still depend on operator tribal knowledge? Any of those operators retiring soon? Yokogawa's e-RT3 Plus utilizes Factorial Kernel Dynamic Policy Programming (FKDPP) for accelerated machine learning. It can control and autonomize areas of plant operations that have been beyond the capabilities of existing control methods and have up to now necessitated manual operation. 

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Guiding a Chopper Valve Application

Submitted by Sri Gavini || Valin Corporation

A large refinery in California (U.S.) was conducting a turnaround and utilized an outside engineering firm to oversee the process. During this phase, the engineering firm discovered the refinery needed new emergency safety shut-off valves (chopper valves) as part of their regeneration process.

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Specifying VFD's

Submitted by Ray Marquiss || Valin Corporation

The basic application for a VFD is one where an AC motor must be run with some aspect of control over the speed, accel/decel or torque. Cranes, fans, pumps, mixers, conveyors, and similar applications are all candidates for using a VFD.

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Mitsubishi GOT to VFD Quickstart Kit

GOT provides an easily accessible interface for startup, commissioning, and control/monitoring VFD with pre-designed sample projects. Anyone can set it up in minutes by following the Quick Start Guide.

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Condition Monitoring: What Are We Measuring?

Submitted by Corey Foster || Valin Corporation

The concepts of preventive maintenance and condition monitoring are not always characterized in a way that is entirely accurate. They sometimes seem to be treated as a one-size-fits-all service that many operators believe they need. However, these concepts can mean very different things depending on the application.

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Ignoring Alerts: Running VFD’s to Failure

Submitted by Kair Turubayev || Valin Corporation

We've been finding more and more circumstances where customers find it beneficial to run their variable frequency drives (VFD) to failure, potentially damaging the VFD beyond repair. This is an interesting concept for people to wrap their mind around at first.

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Dorner FlexMove Product Video

Dorner Flexmove Conveyors are ideal for part handling, tight spaces, buffering, accumulation and elevation changes. They're perfect for processing, packaging, assembly automation, medical, life sciences and more!

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