Hilliard Hilco Dryer Filter System

Removes Water and Air from Insulating Oil Used in Transformers, Switching Equipment, and Circuit Breakers
Engineered to maximize water and carbon removal and increase dielectric strength
Hilco dryer filter systems are designed for increased efficiency, compact sizing, and reduced cost. Designed to restore insulating oils used in transformer switching equipment and circuit breakers, the new dryer filters require fewer cartridges because they include the new super-absorbent media. Hilco dryer filters provide efficient filtration of insulating oils by removing free water and carbon particles to restore dielectric strength. Hilliard's new dryer filters with simplified design features are self-contained to eliminate outside contamination and they are equipped with integral pump sets and ball valves for safe, convenient operation.
Standard models -- Options Added Easily:
Standard models have capacities up to 6,000 GPH; and the modular design of the new dryer filters
allows options to be easily added for more demanding applications. Among the many options are an outlet sight glass, a discharge relief valve, an automatic air eliminator, and a flow meter.
Hilsorb dryer cartridges:
The Hilsorb dryer cartridge combines highly efficient filtration for removal of extremely fine particulates plus super-absorbency of moisture thus providing high dielectric strength and greater stability in transformer oils. Dryer cartridges that will out-perform the original equipment are available from Hilliard for competitive vessels.
The Hilliard tradition of quality:
All Hilco products are backed by Hilliard's tradition of quality, engineering, and service. At Hilliard, we do more than manufacture quality standard products. Every effort is made to provide the best product to meet your specific application. For more information on quality Hilco products, contact Valin Corporation.
Hilliard Hilco Dryer Filter System Features:
- Compact size
- Automatic air vent (on vessel)
- Ball valves
- All-steel vessel construction
- Inlet Y strainer
- Inlet sight glass
- Positive displacement pump with built-in bypass valve
- Meets NEMA 4 requirements
- Totally enclosed motor
- Throwaway filter cartridges
- Inlet/outlet pressure gauges
- Cover lifters are furnished on Models DRS-050 and DRS-075
Hilliard Hilco Dryer Filter System Benefits:
- High efficiency and reliability
- Low cost
- Low pressure drop
- Fewer cartridges
- Lightweight, compact design
- Minimum maintenance required
Hilliard Hilco Dryer Filter System Options:
- Outlet sight glass
- Discharge relief valve
- Automatic air eliminator
- Flow meter
- Four-way valve
- Hoses and Hose reels
- Portable base
- Over-the-road trailer
- Drip pans
- Higher flow rates Filters with Hilite (Fullers Earth) cartridges
- Special units can be designed to meet your requirements
Download the Hilliard Hilco Dryer Filter System Datasheet
Talk to one of our filtration experts today at (855) 737-4717, or fill out our online form to learn more
Hilcos Dryer Filter System restores insulating oil used in transformer equipment and circuit breakers