Johanna Herrera

December 2017

Carlsbad, CA
The recent Avalara automation tax update required an enormous amount of Johanna Herrara’s time and talents. Johanna was one of 4 employees that reviewed over 10,000 exemption certificates, filtering and validating each before uploading to the Avalara Certificate Library. Despite the increased workload during the upload, Johanna still managed to follow through and resolve tax issues in a timely manner.

Johanna helps with tax adjustments and promptly addresses tax issues that come into the Accounts Receivable department. When unusual tax scenarios arise, she proactively consults with her team or contacts government agencies for answers to ensure Valin is compliant with sales tax laws. When Johanna discovers tax issues, she audits other similar invoices and works with the team to fix the mistake and address the issue with customer service personnel.

The accounting department is lean and when it experiences a surge in transaction volume or a decrease in staff due to vacations, Johanna lends her support. She is willing to accept additional responsibilities. She is a fast learner, asks good questions that leads to process improvement.

Additionally, Johanna provides support to Valin customers and the internal knowledge centers. She frequently handles requests about new customer resale certificate upload, single purchase order tax override, tax overpayment/underpayment adjustments, and audit requests to name a few. She makes great efforts to take care of requests within a reasonable time frame and puts everyone at ease.

Johanna works independently and is a self-starter. She maintains the online resale certificate library that holds thousands of exemption certificates. She manages to keep the certificates up-to-date and have them ready for order processing. She is always eager to help, pleasant to work with, and follows through to ensure the job is done.