Corey Foster

June 2015

Applications Engineering Manager
San Jose, CA
Employee Pillar – filling a need; helping in the time of need
Marketing sought much-needed help from Valin’s subject matter experts (SME) to complete Phase 2 of the newly redesigned Valin website. Phase 2 included digging deeper into Valin’s products and service offerings and build-up the content to prepare for the currently running AdWords campaigns. Corey Foster was one SME that the Marketing department reached out to for assistance with the Motion Control & Automation section. It is always a bit of a struggle to find someone who has the time to assist with content, but Corey went above and beyond by responding to requests while traveling. He singlehandedly provided all of the extra content required to complete the Motion Control & Automation products and services sections before the deadline.

In addition to helping with the Valin website content, Corey has also been working with the Valin public relations firm for the last several years. He has published more than any other Valin employee and consistently supports Valin’s marketing initiatives that help everyone at Valin. Below are articles that Corey has been involved in: