Judi Waters

March 2016

Technical Specialist - Filtration
Dublin, CA
Employee Pillar – Helping a co-worker in the time of need
Judi Waters is the epitome of Team Valin in Action as she helped a co-worker who was on disability leave from the end of March until June. Judi typically acts as a backup for the aviation/ground fueling and utility customers. She became the primary customer service person for more than two months while her peer was out of the office. She answered all the phone calls, handled email communication, and managed every order for this field. Overseeing this industry sector requires one full-time and dedicated employee. Judi took on the entire workload in addition to maintaining her normal role with filtration. Even though the aviation industry and its customers can be difficult at times, Judi provided the same quality and support they had come to expect thus solidifying an already long established relationship. She adapted to the situation and handled it all with grace and success. Judi continues to be an asset. She gained valuable knowledge about the aviation/ground fueling and utility industries and understands the complexity of the applications. Now she assists customers with confidence on projects at the start without help. Judi is an exceptional person and the standard for professionalism and service.