Process Heat

Below you will find white papers on topics involving process control and automation.

How to Calculate Heat

Do you know how to determine the amount of energy required to heat a substance to a specific temperature? If the answer is “no”, stick around. We’ve got a simple method to help you determine the energy required for almost any heating application!

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Introducing Naftosense Leak Detection Technology

Polymer Absorption Sensor (PAS) technology is at the heart of Naftosense products (specifically in Naftosense products, Elastomer Absorption Sensors). PAS technology, developed in the 1950s, has a track record of detecting hydrocarbons in extreme conditions and enables real-time, cost-effective critical infrastructure integrity monitoring.

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Inventory Management Services from Valin

Avoiding unnecessary downtime is critical and part of keeping operations running as efficiently as possible is having a good handle on the inventory required. From valves and gauges to sensors and filters, there is a multitude of different parts and pieces of equipment associated with an industrial environment.

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Product Highlight: Impedance Heating

Impedance heating systems act much like standard heating circuits, except the resistor is the pipe itself. This is accomplished when a small amount of AC voltage is applied across the terminals. The resulting impedance of the system generates heat on the pipe. The control panel for an impedance system provides power and control. However, the step down transformer is what provides the reduced voltage, 30VAC or less, to the pipe. This rating stays within OSHA and NEC limits.

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Introducing ASPYRE® Intelligent SCR Power Controller

Watlows ASPYRE power controller family is flexible and scalable, and available with a variety of options allowing one platform to be re-used across a wide range of applications, which can help save time and money. ASPYRE models available include sizes from 35 to 700 amps.

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Prevent Ice Dams with the Snofree Roof Panel System

Ice dams can be frustrating. An ice dam forms when the roof over the attic gets warm enough to melt the bottom layer of snow. The snow melts into water and  the water trickles down between the layers of snow until it reaches the eave of the roof. There, the water freezes, gradually growing into a mound of ice. These ice dams can damage both your roof and the inside of your home if the water finds an opening.

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Worried About Downtime?

For 40 years Valin has been a resource to our customers providing the knowledge and expertise to help make your process more efficient and more profitable. We have the skills and knowledge to assess your company and manufacturing processes, before coming up with expert solutions to your downtime issues.

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How to Properly Make-Up a Fitting

This video takes you step by step from deburring a piece of tubing, marking the tubing, making up the fitting, and pressurizing the fitting to show that it only takes one and a quarter turn to properly seal a fitting from leaks.

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