
Submitted by Corey Foster || Valin Corporation

Factory automation mobility is not just about iPads. Companies of all sizes need to think about the software needed to push context-sensitive information to operators and managers.

Submitted by Jon Irvine, Featured in Magazine

A temperature sensor is a key component of any process heating application as it provides temperature feedback about the process, which can be used to monitor or control the process

Submitted by Michelle Fischer

A medical equipment manufacturer in Concord, CA was developing a 3D X-ray microscope and used liquid nitrogen to preserve their samples for solid imaging.

Submitted by Tim Tritch
Off-Loop Filters Save Time and Money

Eight Reasons Why Off-Loop Filters Work

Submitted by Tim Tritch
Run-Away Reservoir Populations Ruin Lube-Oil Reliability

While demographers busily count the world's population, manufacturers' world-wide fight a different battle against growing particle populations within lube-oil and hydraulic systems.

Submitted by Parker Hannifin Corporation
Should I use Pipe or Tubing?

Standard fluid line systems were for many years constructed from threaded pipe of assorted materials and were assembled with various standard pipe fitting shapes

Submitted by Exergen
What is Emissivity?

Emissivity is a surface property which determines how much radiation an object emits at a given temperature compared to a blackbody at the same temperature

Submitted by Exergen
IRt/c Trouble Shooting Guide

If an IRt/c sensor is installed and does not function as expected the failure may be due to something other than the sensor.

Submitted by Valin Corporation
 Parker Instrumentation Solution Center

Valin Corporation is the largest Parker Instrumentation distributor in the Western United States

Submitted by Corey Foster, Senior Automation Application Engineer

"Precision" is a term that needs to be broken down into several components that include accuracy, repeatability, flatness, straightness, etc