Team Valin

Team Valin 

Team Valin
Team Valin

Our employees are taught from their first day that we are a team here at Valin.  Our goal as a team is to make sure that we never forget what is important.  Below you will find the four pillars that make up Team Valin.


Customers may forget what you've said but they will never forget how you made them feel. The feeling the customer experiences is directly related to the value we provide. The business we are in may be different from others, but we have exactly the same challenge and that is in the end it all comes down to taking care of the customer.


A positive customer experience is achieved by delivering an aligned and valuable portfolio of products and services in a timely manner.  As the distributor, our role is to define and communicate the customer's technical requirements to the supplier so they may design and produce an innovative product that is economically viable.  Manufacturing is capital intensive and changes are costly.  Therefore, the strength and quality of the distributor and supplier relationship, built around trust, reliability, and attention to detail, is critical to realizing success.


Employee team building is an ongoing process that helps create one culture. Employee team building creates trust and helps develop a support system for one another and respect for one another's individual differences. Trust is a critical component of business, especially when teamwork is required on a daily basis to achieve objectives and grow companies. Creating a team atmosphere will translate into more productivity and will help employees be more efficient.  This will allow employees to function better as an overall team.


As Valin employees, we have the honor and responsibility to remember those in need and to give back to our communities whenever it is within our means.  Many Valin employees are already known to volunteer or donate to various charities, non-profit organizations, cancer research, and community events. Many of these charities include but are not limited to the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life, Second Harvest Food Bank, Avon Breast Cancer Walk, One Warm Coat, Georgia Travis Shelter, Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for A Cure, American Red Cross, and Utah Aids Foundation.

Short description

Our employees are taught from their first day that we are a team here at Valin.  Our goal as a team is to make sure that we never forget what is important...our customers, suppliers, employees and community.