Certification and Compliance

Quality Certification

ISO 9001

Valin® Corporation is now ISO 9001 certified.  The certification is accredited by BSI, the world leader in standards and quality management services.

The certification of ISO 9001 recognizes that the policies, practices, and procedures of our company ensure consistent quality in the products and services we provide our customers. With this certification, our customers can be confident that Valin® is dedicated to maintaining the highest efficiency, responsiveness, and exceptional service.

Our ISO 9001 registration certificate can be viewed at the link below.

ISO 9001 Certificate 


Compliance Policy

Human Trafficking

It is Valin® Corporation's policy to comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws as required. We expect and depend on our employees and suppliers to help us respect and observe applicable laws. California signed a new law designed to combat Human Trafficking, the law (Cal SB 657) became effective on January 1, 2012. It imposes various obligations on retailers and manufacturers who meet various sales or ownership thresholds by selling products, paying employees, or owning property in California. Valin® Corporation and many other companies are subject to this new law and as our supplier, we need your help to make sure we both comply with the law. The law requires that each company subject to the requirements post a link on their website explaining our efforts to comply with the law, and list steps taken to prevent human trafficking with our supply chain including requiring supplier certifications and auditing compliance in addition to training employees about the new requirements. The purpose of the new law is to help prevent human trafficking in California and in other countries. Valin® Corporation supports this law and will make efforts to ensure the goods we purchase are not produced using forced or child labor.

Valin® Corporation requires each supplier to verify compliance with all applicable laws including this one. We have written each supplier to make sure they are aware of the new law and to have them certify they comply with it. Our Purchasing Group will conduct periodic audits and maintain a supplier record for each vendor. The Purchasing Group will monitor the supplier's compliance with all applicable laws including this one addressing human trafficking. 
Short description

ISO 9001
Valin® Corporation is now ISO 9001 certified.  The certification is accredited by BSI, the world leader in standards and quality management services.